Thesis and Examination

How do I register my master thesis?

You can register your thesis once you have at least 70 ECTS on your transcript including Project A, B and C. First of all, you need to find a first and second examiner to grade your thesis. It has to be a professor from our department.

The thesis is not registered via Unisono, but with a separate form. Please find the form for registering your thesis here. You will need to forward this to your first examiner for signature, then forward it to the examination office.

After your registration has been successful, you will receive a letter stating your topic and submission deadline. You have 6 months to submit your Master thesis after registration.

What is the procedure for the colloquium?

Your Master thesis must be presented at the colloquium, which is required but not scored, and usally takes six weeks after registration. It is advides to present when you have achieved sufficient progress to discuss, but you are still open to receiving constructive criticsm.

All students and reseachers from HCI and Business Informatics are invited to attend your colloquium so you can get feedback from many different perspectives.

Once you are ready to present, simply agree on a date with your supervisor. Then send it along with your matriculation number, thesis title and abstract to your academic advisor via email. (Please not PDF files, include all text in the email). Don’t forget to indicate the mode (on-site or online). The academic advisor will take care of the venue and invite the audience.

Where can I find a master thesis topic?

On our team website, current job and project offers are usually posted. We also regularly post offers over our mailing list or in the Telegram group.

If you cannot find a suitable position or topic for yourself, you can get an overview of all ongoing projects here. Just contact the responsible person for a project that you are interested in, present your idea and ask them if they happen to have any vacancies or if they would like to supervise your thesis. Generally we are open to new initiatives.

Academic Advisors

Débora de Castro Leal
Leonie Jahn 

Office hours: Tuesdays 10:00 – 14:00

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